Depending on the age and condition of our children appear more and more new issues and problems. With the majority of them you can cope thanks to good planning trips. Attempting to enter the selected mountain peak, taken just because it is in fashion, you may end up lasting injury and discouragement for hiking. A good plan in combination with the weather is more than half the battle in the mountains. Of course, it is not about that, so as to carry out written-minute route, but it well enough to study the maps before the trip to have in store several variants. The best are in fact scheduled improvisations. Leaving children in the mountains we have to take into account a number of scenarios - all of them need to be well prepared. We have no influence on whether the trail storm surprised us, but we can see in advance how you can shorten the route and go down to the nearest shelter, the village or the bus stop. Not to mention the fact that even with full sun always in the backpack should have a jacket. The same applies to a flashlight - it is better to move it useless in a backpack twenty times than the twenty-first to get caught at night in the forest. When planning a route with children should be borne in mind that the sometimes very long distances does not have shelters and the child will not have a place to settle or to wait out even as the weather is bad. As adults differently endure weather conditions - the kids, however, may quickly pochorować after such a trip. Taking small children to the mountains accommodation, regardless of what you choose for your child (hotel, guest rooms, vacation flats) should talk to the owner if they have discounts for children, this time .. two .. Can Nearby provided for the children some additional attractions in the form of a parks, some boards on the route, etc.
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