Thursday, February 11, 2016

Krakow city festivals

Every year in Krakow held more than 100 festivals, including about 50 of international importance, m. In. Jewish Culture Festival (since 1988), Krakow All Souls Jazz (from 1954), Krakow Film Festival (since 1961), the International Festival of Music in Old Krakow (since 1975), International Print Triennial, which takes place in Krakow (since 1966) Street Theatre Festival (since 1988).
Year after year, creating new projects for example. Sacrum Profanum (since 2003), the Festival of Mysteries Paschalia (since 2004), Festival of Polish Music (2005), presenting works of Polish music in the world's greatest embodiments, or the Festival of Nations / Dedications (2002), in in many cases using unusual urban spaces and giving them new meaning.
A huge popular are new cyclical projects, for example. Kraków Nights, including organized for the first time in 2007, Theatre Night, modeled on the idea immensely popular in Europe, the Night of Museums. In a June night, not only on closed theaters, but also specially prepared outdoor stages, in an open space, they are presented theater projects, which annually attended by more than 40,000 viewers.
In 2007, for the first time we realized the Jazz Night, and in 2008 - Sacral Night, in 2011 held the first edition of the Night of Poetry.

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